Sushi in Japan !

Many of you will of course have the image of Japan = sushi, and that fact is quite true.
Most of us, Japanese people, love to eat sushi, especially on special occasions, such as a home party etc.

Even though, there are expensive and delicious sushi restaurants, the cheap, convenient sushi restaurants (more of a so called “family restaurant” than an actual restaurant), is popular among the majority. 

One of them will be one called, “Sushiro”スシロー. The feature of this sushi restaurant is that it only costs 100 yen (plus tax) = aprox 1 dollar. There are many resturants like this these days, but I remember one day I saw on tv, how “Sushiro” is particularry picky on the ingredients they use, thus tastes good. 

Sushi is usually full of people (families) ! and so, you have to wait in order to eat. If you enter how many members you are eating with (child or adult), and what kind of seat you prefer, it gives you a paper ticket showing your reservation number. 

Counter seats are more vacant than the normal seats ! so if you’re in a hurry or you’re going to eat with a limited number of people, this could be a better choice !

The seat gives you a particular colour, and by using the touch panel on your seat, you can order any sushi, quantity. The colour works when the sushi you order comes to your seat. The sushi is on an extra plate which shows the colour. IN that way, the ordered sushi is recognisable. 

Also, you can chose the language on the touch panel, so no need to worry. 

Not just sushi, but you can choose to order miso soup, chawanmushi(egg and fish dashi made pudding), udon (noodles), and deserts etc.

Of course, you don’t have to order off the touch panel if you don’t want to. You can take the sushi plate directly from the moving lane ! 

But most times, the sushi you want to eat doesn’t appear, so ordering is a faster/ easier way. 

The taste is … good !??
Maybe not perfect, but among other things, the price attacks the families to eat sushi as a daily treat. 

Defiantly, better than the un- tasty sushi shops (the relatively cheap ones but not super cheap) in China nor Korea, so why not try it in Japan ? 

Happy sushi days xxx :) 

(I will introduce you to another type of sushi restaurant on my next blog).
