A lucky morning breakfast :9
Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは ! (Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)
For example, I would go to “Komeda Coffee” for a morning coffee, and order a cup of coffee, then automatically, you receive a half piece of toast and boiled egg.
The toast is specially soft and thick. You can also ask for strawberry jam if you prefer.
I unfortunately am more of a tea person, however, anyways, I chose to drink melon soda with vanilla icecream topping.
You can receive the service when you order any drink.
This service differs slightly depending on the coffee shop you chose, for example it may be some nuts, scamble egg with toast etc.
When you want a small break in a cool, quite, place, find a coffee shop to go !
“Komeda Coffee” is the one I especially like :) and its one of the most famous ones in Nagoya ;9
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