always HANGANG by my side

Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは ! (Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)

If you have a free day, don’t have much to do, want to refresh …
Why don’t you take yourself to Hangan river ??

Hangang 漢川: Major river in South Korea 
Currently, the lower stretches of the Han river are lined with pedestrian walkways, bicycle pathspublic parks and restaurants, particularly in Seoul.

On a sunny day, I would defiantly go there for a walk or even preparing for my marathon. 
There would be a lot of people there in the weekends, but also in the afternoon on normal days and in the morning too. 

You can also put your tent up in the field, play with your friends, children in the sand field, basketball court, and the elderly enjoy to exercise on the public exercise machines. 

In the spring, I would like to walk along the river side, and see the pretty flowers, or go into the fplant garden and see the cherry blossoms. April to October, PM 8:00,9:00 for about 15 minutes 

In the summer and autumn, there are many tents and people playing. I would go there taking one book, and sit on a bench and just read forever feeling so refreshed. There are events too, like the fireworks so better check the schedules too. Also, I see people biking, they can be the professional bikers, or just for fun biking. You can borrow a bike for a couple of hours and take a nice ride along the river, by yourself, or with your partner (couple bikes ). If you haven’t tried this, its really fun! So you better try it !

Of-course seven eleven ! (you can by snacks or anything here :9)

In the winter, the frost comes down, so the paths become a little bit slippery and dangerous. The river may freeze too (like this year but not for long) .
And in the new year day, there are so many people having there new year walk, or flying their kites (tradition).

I love how you can feel the beautiful four seasons here by the Hangang river, and its a public space so anyone can go there, for FREE ! 
You can forget that you’re in a busy capital city in Seoul, but spend a refreshing time by yourself, or with the ones you like.

Cool Asia !
