4月12日:辻井信之さん『音楽を言葉で』雑談会?Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii "Music in Words"
辻井信之様 『音楽を言葉で』雑談会?
Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii "Music in Words"
It is Nobu's second visit to Hong Kong.
In preparations for the performance/concert (Saturday 13 April, 2019) at HKU
there was a talk event on the evening before (Friday 12 April, 2019).
I was deeply impressed by his warm personality as well as his heart towards music and piano.
- 香港の音:鳥の囀りなど、自然に溢れている印象- 普通の人は気づかないところかも
- 陶芸にはまっている:指先の繊細さがピアノを弾くことと似ているそう
- カラオケも趣味:演歌などもよく歌う
- お母様に大変大変感謝されている:それだけ沢山一緒に頑張ってきたのだろうな。自分を近くで信じてくれる、応援してくれるお母様は素敵。彼の見えないものも、言葉を通じて楽しむことが出来たそう
- 音に敏感なだけでなく、感情も大層豊かな方だ:少しデモンストレーションで弾いてくれたが、音楽にのせた感情が自然と伝わってきて、耳にずっと音楽が残る
- 人を大切にしている:昔から人前で演奏するのが大好きで、人を楽しませる、幸せな気持ちにさせることができると自身も最高に幸せだと♡
Some notes from the talk/sharing...
- Soundscapes of Hong Kong: Walking on campus, hearing the birds sing beautifully, he feels that Hong Kong is a place full of nature
- Recently enjoyed 'pottery': Utilising the delicate finger tips is something similar of that of playing the piano
- Enjoys Karaoki (sings Japanese Enka) etc.
- Really appreciative to his mother: She became his eyes in a way, always closely working with him and believing in him: taking him to museums and fireworks and translating visual into auditorial form
- Not only is his hearing spectacular, but also he has a deep heart full with rich emotions: I felt that through his demo performance- even after he finishes playing, the music is stuck to my ears because I really feel the strong emotions from the music
- Loves performing for people (especially those music full with sparkling emotions of joy)♡
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