4月2日3日:日本の大学・Universities in Japan (part.1)

It is necessary for Japanese university students to revise their attitude towards university


Today's Title: Universities in Japan

As a Japanese university student ... as a university student,
I should take some time to reflect on University's in Japan

内容 Contents:1. 事実・概要- Basic facts
2. 課題- Issues
3. 考え- Thoughts 
4. 追伸- P.S.

1. 事実・概要- Basic facts 

1. Just for my own sake to revise this part, its very factual(data heavy) and lengthy;
2. I translated Japanese into English with own interpretation some parts maybe wrong


  • A University (according to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT) is a ...

"Centre of academics, Deep Pursue of Truth, Study professional research, Acknowledgement of certain independence, Public role of knowledge-based-society, Need to acknowledge societal responsibility, Global university education, Highly fulfilling education"

  • 高等教育の役割:「自ら考える力の育成を基礎に課題探求能力の育成を重視し、専門的素養のある人材として活躍できる基礎的能力などを培う」

  • General Role of Higher Education : "Nurturing the basis of self-thinking skills (+basic skills), and focus on nurturing issue-seeking(problem solving)skills for a potential specialist personnel."

  • 学力とは 
  • What academic skills are necessary? 

高等教育: higher education 三大要素 : 3 Major elements 

  1. 「知識・技能の確実習得」Acquire knowledge and skills 
  2. 「思考力・判断力・表現力」Cognitive, Decision making,  Expression skills
  3. 「態度:主体性と多様性・協働性」Attitude: working both independently and collectively with the diversity

  • General Info about Uni in Japan 
  • 日本の大学事情:

(大学数、学生数、その他特徴:基本データ (MEXT, 2017)
  • 780校(国立86校、公立90校、私立604校:私立割合77.4%) -780 Universities
  • 2005年から大きな変化なし -Not much change since 2005
  • 大学進学率・女性割合、近年増加傾向に有り? -University entrance rate 52.6%; on an increase trend (differs largely on prefecture/region; Female/Male ratio is about the same; 73.6% enter Public universities)
  • (= 大学進学率約52.6%:都道府県別でも大きな差が例2017進学率: 東京72.8%、大分県36.9%>流出入の差も、女割合43/49%*、私立進学割合73.6%)
  • 学生関係学科:社会科学**(約32%)、工学(約15%)、人文科学(約14%)、保健(医学薬学約3%+その他約10%=計約13%)、教育(約7%)、理学・農学・家政・芸術(約3%)
  • Popular majors: Social Sciences* (32%), Engineering (15%), Human Sciences (14%), Health (Medicine 3%/ Others 10% =total 13%), Education (7%), Science, Agriculture, Home Economics, Arts (3%)
  • *MEXT文科省からのデータなのに、二つの資料から結果のズレがあった...
  • 社会科学**とは... 社会、政治、経済、法、心理、歴史、文化人類学など
  • Social Sciences* includes Sociology, Economics, Politics, Law, Psychology, History, Anthropology etc.

  • 現在、日本高等教育の特徴
  • Basis of Universities (higher education) in Japan: 
Listing some policies or plans set for higher (particularly university) education in Japan
(*I've translated the Japanese "改革, 変革, 再生" all into "Reform" but, to be exact, they all have slightly different nuances)

2. 課題- Issues

  • 文科省があげている、教育に関する課題
  • Issues in Education presented by MEXT* 
  1. 社会状況の変化: 少子高齢化、技術革新(第4次産業革命)、グローバル化、子どもの貧困、地域間格差など
  2. 教育をめぐる状況変化:子どもや若者の学習・生活面の課題、地域や家庭の状況変化、教員の負担、高等教育の質保証の課題、社会人生涯教育など
  3. 国際的政策の動向:OECDによる教育政策レビューなど(学士進学率がOECD平均59%を下回る:49%, 留学生や社会人学生の割合が低いなど)

  1. Societal  Transformation: Population Imbalance, Technology Innovation (Society 4.0), Globalisation,  Wealth/location disparity etc.
  2. Education Situation Transformation: Education for children/youth/adults: Life Long Learning, Situation transformation in the region/family structure, Teacher burden, Quality of higher education etc.
  3. Global Education Reform Movement: OECD education policy review (i.e. PISA) etc.

  • ピックアップ: Pick-up
- 「グローバル化」- 国際的通用性の確保- 学生・教員の国際的流動性を促進
- "Globalisation": Adaptability and capacity/capability in the rapidly changing, and increasingly fluid globalised world

> 以下、対処プログラム等
> Some co-responding programs listed below
  • 外国人留学生受け入れ Increase numbers of  International students
  • E.g.「留学生30万人計画」300,000-Exchange student acceptance plan)
  • 海外留学推進 Encourage Japanese students Studying Abroad
  • E.g. トビタテTobitate!留学Study-abroad JAPAN )
  • スーパーグローバル大学創成支援 -Top Global University Project: University reform and internationalisation (e.g. Top Type (aims top 100 in the world): 13 universities; Global Traction Type: 24 universities)
  • 含:世界トップレベル教育研究活動大学教育の質と充実の向上(革新的・先導的教育研究プログラム開発・実施の取組、システム改革支援・普及)
  • 大学教育内容改革 University Education Content Reform
  • 例:初年次教育-教養教育、専門基礎教育の在り方(Liberal Studies, General Education, and Specialised Education)、GPA制度、FD 教員研修 (Faculty Development)、能動的学修(active learning)などetc.

3. 考え- Thoughts

Personal views
(I am aware that I may be quite biased and critical but thats the point of getting this message out!)

  • Majority of Japanese university students lack understanding of 
  • "what a university is", "what a university student is"
  • Japanese University Students do not ... Study and Think enough !

Change the attitude of Students !!! & Reform the universities them selves!!!

  1. Japanese University students don't study enough
In fact, about 60% of Japanese university students study less than 5 hours a day, whereas, 60% of university students in the US study over 11 hours/day. Of course it is quality over quality: studying quality over hours. However, I believe many of you will agree that the Japanese university students do not pay attention to studying that much. Reasons can be both individual and institutional: because A. they students focus more on things outside their studies*, B. the universities is not that challenging (doesn't require a lot of reading, writing, thinking etc.) thus does not require that much studying. 
  • A. focus too much on things outside their studies 
I definitely respect those pursuing their passion/hobbies, part-time jobs can also be for financial reasons or even for social practice/contribution and are inevitable. However, if they are an university student, they should pay higher attention to the studying part also

E.g.*「サークル -Circle/Interest Group」「バイト漬け-Absorbed into part-time job (just like a full-time worker)」「インスタ(映え、ストーリー)-Instagram (photogenic, insta-story)」「ツイッター Twitter」 
  • B. Universities are not challenging them enough to study/think harder
Regarding the university quality themselves, I really see this as a serious issue. Lecture based classes and quizzes are no practical use), rather more reading, more thinking and more discussing (oral, written etc.) is increasingly effective (especially for the humanities subjects: I don't know for the other subjects ...)

Thus, both the students attitude, as well as the university must make changes!!

  1. Escape towards楽単-Easy Credits
Japanese University students primary choose courses which are easier: Easy credits.
Not only in Japan, it happens every where. 
People are generally lazy, or framing it better, strategic: taking the easier path if there's an option. Its understandable that people need/want good grades for their own priorities and reasons: to get an advantage for job recruitment, for graduate school etc. 
But, I want to question all those again: Why did you come to university? Weren't your initial reasons to come to university, to pursue your academic curiosities and interests? Can't you challenge your self a little more (take those courses you truly want to and need to) rather than choosing courses simply because it seems like an easier pass. 

  1. Negative labelling? towards those who are work/study hard or discuss about societal issues
I want the overuse of this word,「意識高い系 - XX conscious person」to disappear sometime soon. People seem to use this word as a scapegoat to avoid thinking about the societal issues around them. It would be ideal if everyone is aware about their surrounding societal issues, including regional, domestic, and global issues. I know it is such an idealistic view, but, I am optimistic to say that, to some extent everyone is indeed aware and conscious towards different topics in different levels. 
Thus, we should share more of these talks among our daily conversations

Moreover ... Is it true that talking about Religion or Politics is a taboo in Japan? or is it more, that Japanese lack awareness of these issues thus avoid theses topics? -I feel it can be towards the later interpretation. Do you expects that once one enters the job market (graduates uni), they suddenly can start discussing about societal issues? -No.  I hope discussing about societal issues becomes the norm among more university students: when university students change such their attitude towards society, the society will have a positive change also. (= Leads to seeking problem solving; Can connect societal issues with subjects one studies in university)

  • TBH

I am not a model university student. I am still working in progress (how can I think about issues in a more holistic but also deeper way, and come up with better solutions? )
But at least I always push myself to keep trying. 

Anyways, for any university student, it is important to once again reflect on these questions:

Why do I study in university? 
What can I do? 
What should I do? 
What will I do? 

I hope more students will talk about the societal problems (starting from their surroundings) and seek to study their true interests even though it may be challenging, and seek solutions (actually think!!!).
We (university students) are the hope: We will study more, and relate our knowledge and skills to the real society to make the world a better place. 

Okay, I am giving my message here, primary to university students,
but, I indeed expect the universities to change also.

4. 追伸- P. S. 


I already acknowledge my terrible summary, especially for this complex topic
1. this only looks at MEXT's publications,
2. this only looks at limited number of recent MEXT's publications (i.e. projects/policies),
to understand the whole picture and situation, its better to start somewhere.
This is only the beginning of my exploration of university (higher) education !!!


