ファッション革命?Fashion Revolution Week? What is it
Fashion Revolution Week 2019
2019年 4月22日〜4月28日 22nd-28th April, 2019
Fashion Revolution Week Event "15 shades of Green"in Hong Kong 香港ファッションレボリューションイベントにて |
内容:1.Fashion Revolutionとは、2.私たちにできること! 3.追伸
Contents: 1. What is Fashion Revolution 2. Actions we can take 3. Additional notes
1. まず、Fashion Revolution って?
- ファッション業界に透明性をもたらす
- 人にも環境にも配慮した、真のファッションの価値を問い直す
- (大量生産大量消費やファストファッションの問題点を知る)
- より良い未来、持続可能な社会、を作るためファッションの在り方を模索!
背景: 2013.4.24. 「ラナ・プラザ」 ビル崩落事故
- 6年前、バングラデシュの首都ダッカ近郊の縫製工場が入った商業ビル「ラナ・プラザ」が崩落し、1,100人以上もの衣料労働者(8割、若い女性)が死亡する事故が起こった。安全管理や働き手の人種の扱いが疑問視された。これを機に、ファッション業界に透明性をもたらすための国際的なキャンペーン・ムーブメントが始まった。95か国参加業界における公正な労働条件、環境保護、男女平等を呼びかける。
キーワード: #透明性 #ファッション #エシカル #フェアトレード #人権 #環境 #動物 #配慮
1. What is Fashion Revolution?
- Achieve a fair, safe, clean and transparent fashion industry, where a safe environment is a standard
- Think ... what are the environmental and social impacts of fashion industry
Background: 24 April, 2013 the Rana Plaza disaster
- 6 years ago, the Rana Plaza building (five garment factories, manufacturing clothing for big global brands) in Bangladesh on the outskirts of the capital Dhaka collapsed: this killed more than 1,100 workers, in which the victims were mostly young women.
- Serious problems with exploitation of garment workers with low wages and factories lacking safety improvements
- Global movement:95 countries around the world come together to use the power of fashion to change the world.
#Transparency #fashion #fairtrade #ethical #humancapital #humanrights #environment #animals #conscious #globalmovement #globalisation #workers-rights #supplyーchainーtransparency #material-sourcing #global-citizenship #sustainable-development #ethical-business-practices #responsible #consumption
2. 私たちができること♪ (毎日の生活を楽しみながらできることはたくさんあるよ〜)
- 環境や動物・人間に配慮した服づくり
- 大量消費・廃棄を前提としない消費の態度
- 動画(2ユーロのTシャツ実験, 誰が私の服を作ったの? など)、書籍や映画を切り口にするのも良いかも(本『循環するファッション』、映画『ザ・トゥルー・コスト』等)
- Ethical Fashion Japan このサイトもチェック!
- #フェアトレード #オーガニック #アップサイクル #サステナブルマテリアル #クラフトマンシップ #ローカルメイド#アニマルフレンドリー #ウェイストレス #ソーシャルプロジェクト
- なんでこの服はこんなに安いの?
- どこで誰が作ったの?
- まず、なんで余分に服が必要?物欲は止まらぬものでは?
- お気に入りの服を大切にして、長くそしてたくさん着る(最低30回は! #30wears #lovestory)
- #haulternative = 買うかわりに...
- 服を a. Swap交換する b. DIY 作りかえる c. Vintageヴィンテージ古着 d. Slow fashion を楽しむ
- エシカルファッションブランドを知る! 例:Stella McCartney, People Tree などなど
2. What we can do
As citizens and consumers....
We are all accountable for the impact fashion has on people lives and on nature.
Our questions, voices, shopping habits can have the power to help change things for better: we are the drivers of trends
- Learn about ethical consumption through videos, books, movies..
- Once you do, you'll start to care about it
Ask and support:
Mindset ... Think !
- ask fashion companies for more transparency; support the good companies! e.g. #peopletree (JPN), #redress (HK) etc...
- 1.question your materialist values (why do you need more?) endless trap ...
- 2.think about the bigger picture,think about, realise what's behind the cheap bargains: fast fashion impacts and consequences on developing countries... human rights and human capital exploitation... Can we let companies continueexploiting the human neighbours and the environment? Reference:Documentary"the true cost"
- Stop the careless & endless consumption. Need to buy less! and Love the clothes we already own : work harder to make them last. E.g.Commit to wearing your clothes for at least 30times #30wears #lovestory
追伸 More ...
those working under less than 3 dollars a day,
those with no voice in the supply chain,
why are companies unable to support the workers properly
and Guaranty basic human/worker rights?
how can you ignore this?
Realise the
price of cheap clothing:
- risk
- horror story
- catastrophe
- supply chain
- fear
- grieve,
behind our clothes
*75 million people make our clothes, 80% of them are women between 18-35. Majority of people who makes clothes for the global market live in poverty, unable to afford life basic necessities
Subject to exploitation; verbal physical abuse, working in unsafe and dirty conditions and receive very little pay. People and the environment suffer from the result of the way fashion is made, sources and consumed globalisation.
Fashion shouldn't be a disposing product
Treat others and the earth better> Profit
All consumers should ASK the question!
"Who made my clothes?"
"How much are they paid?"
"What are their lives like?"
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