Skiing and Snowboarding in KOREA !!! :D 韓国 スキーといえば。。。!!xxx

Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは ! (Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)

Still freezing in Korea but much warmer than the last day I talked about ... Hiya it's mako grin絵文字
Has everyone been skiing or snow boarding this year? Or are you planning to go ??
For myself, today was the first time in this year that I went snowboarding.
You must not be sure where in Korea you can go skiing... So today I will be introducing you all to one of the most well known beautiful sledges, 
[ Yong Pyong Resort ] !!!

This resort was opened in 1975, and it is the most oldest ski resorts in Korea. The famous Korean drama "Winter Sonata" shooted it's dramas here. Also, in 2012 some slides are authorised by the FIS international ski Federation.There beyond, it is used for many international games, and it is planed to be used in the 2018 Winter Olympics. 

The resort is in the north east of Korea, so it takes about 3 hours by bus or 2 and a half hours by going on the highway from Seoul. In the ski season you'll be able to find out a straight bus that goes from Seoul to the resort which is useful. 
The slopes that are Are the rainbow red, gold, and the silver line. For intermediates there is the new red line, and green line, and for the beginners there are the yellow and pink line. In total there are 18 slopes and 15 lifts !!!

The ski season here is from November to early April. When the ski season finishes it seems like they use it for golf : D

< By the way ...
ski and snowboard rentals/ selling shops, and everywhere inside the building linked to the slopes. 
It's much expensive than ordenary stores

I am Ski intermediate level, and snowboard experienced but beginners level so this time I chose to develop my snowboard skills. In three days at the slope, I went to many slopes !!! The rainbow slope is the highest slope thus it takes around 20 minutes just to get up to the top. The course is also very long and many advanced skiers and boarders challenge them selves there.

 In the intermediate to beginner level slopes ( where I mostly used) there were many people !!! Especially after the lunch time to the evening. The snow and was quite soft and nice in some places but since it was cold and snowed at night, most places had hard and icy snow on the slopes. 

There is a spacious cafeteria open space for people to have a meal. There are food tickets that you buy before hand and just hand out the ticket to the meal place then they pass you the meal. Also, there are small cafes, and small stands when you want a small snack. 

The three days I went had the temperature around negative 5 in average, but it got cold depending on the icy wind.(At night it was negative 12 !?!? freezing !!!) 

Since it was a snowboard group trip for me, we had one instructor per group (3-6) but normally, you can have a instructor from 1 person !! The ski instructors here wear a red suit, and the snowboard instructors wear light blue. You may think that the instructors are only Korean but it wasn't !! They are really good instructors globally! Even the Korean instructors speak fluent English so if you prefer to develop your personal skills I will recommend you to take the tutors : D

Also, even though the mani point of the trip might be skiing, you should take a look inside the tower plaza !!! There are many fancy shops, and convenience stores, and also there is a Karaoke (Noreban: in Korean) where I had fun at night !!!

Overall, with the three day ticket, I snowboarded for about 5 hours a day and the weather, instructors were lovely and every thing went perfectly ! Had a great time at Yong Pyong resort !!!!
If you're thinking of somewhere to go skiing or snow boarding, why not go to ... 
Yong Pyong resort !!!

P.s. lovely pictures of the resort at night ! (lights up!!!)


(日本語 Japanese ver.)

Hiya 안녕 您好こんにちは ! 



スキー中級、スノボ初級の私は今回はスノボを選びましたが、いろいろなコースを体験してきました!まず、きっと皆さんの興味津々?な"レインボーレッド"‼️上級者向けのコースだけあって、20分ばかりゴンドラに乗って頂上まで行きます。頂上からの景色は天気に恵まれて絶景〜💕 以外と思ったよりも急斜面がなかったものの、とっても長いコースでした。レインボーレッドも行ったものの、実際のところ、初級者の私はほとんどグリーンラインやイエローライン(来たら真ん中に見えるスロープ)、ちょっと慣れてきたらシルバーやゴールドラインで練習しました。夜に雪が降ったためか、雪自体はカチカチ硬い所が多く、転ぶととっても痛かったですが、滑る分には気持ちいい雪と天気でした。温度は平均でマイナス5度くらいかな。けど太陽は出てたから、標高が高くなる分だけ寒くなるとともに雪吹雪(風)が吹くと少し肌寒かったです。

お昼ご飯や小腹が空いたときは… 広々としたカフェティアへ。食券を買って、好きなご飯の所に行き引換券と交換でご飯を食べれるサービスの他に小さなカフェや屋台などがあるので、満足満腹の食事がとれますよ♪

この3日間、私はスノボ合宿で来たのでグループに分かれて、1グループに1人のインストラクターがつきました。レベル別に決まった授業をやるかと思いきや、以外と自由な授業で生徒の習いたいことや伸ばしたいスキルによって教えてくれました。スキーのインストラクターは赤、スノボのインストラクターは水色のウエアを着てるので一目瞭然です。合宿でくる人達以外には、個別からインストラクターをつけれるらしくて、韓国人以外にも日本や西洋のインストラクターと、グローバルなインストラクター揃いでした! 韓国語が話せなくても、最低英語、人によっては日本語や中国語もを話せる素晴らしいインストラクターがいるので体験してみても良いかも知れません。
『ヨンピョン リゾート』へ行ってみては?^ ^

クール アジア!
