DELICIOUS "Darkhanmari" タッカンマリ!!!

Nomu chuo 〜 (super cold)

Yesterday and today was the coldest days of this month. Negative 10 Celsius, which is really cold in this season, where it is gradually getting warmer.  Who guessed that February was going to be this cold? In fact it snowed in Seoul quite heavily yesterday. 

Going back to the topic of today, what do you so when you're cold ???
= YES ! Very simple, just eat warm, hot things. 
That's why today, I want to introduce you to one of my favourite dishes in Korea, 

Well, first what exactly is "Darkhanmari"!? 
Literary translating, "Darkhanmari" means "one whole chicken". In side a big pot, there will be one whole chicken and some soup with spring onions, potatoes and rice cakes. The soup just tastes awesome because its not at all spicy but is really tasty having all the yummy taste coming out of the chicken and the garlic. If you think of Korean dishes, I think you will find the spicy red dishes, however for this dish, since it is not at all spicy it is loved by the whole generation (from small children to elders) and the family surrounds the table with the big pot in the middle.

So, where can you eat this tasty "Darkhanmari" ??
Good question because I have a really good recommendation for you.In Tondemun, the area where it is famous for the wholesale shops, high fashion buildings, and fish market. It is also famous for the "Darkhanmari road "! 
If you get of Condemn station (line 1 or 4 ) go out exit 9, and if you walk about 5 minutes you will find this place. 

Since it is the "Darkhanmari road "there are many "Darkhanmari" restaurants and they are all pretty popular. However, the one called "Jinokwha helmae wonjo darkhanmari" is personally the best ! and the most popular one there. 

The name of the restaurant might seem too difficult to remember, but no need to because if you see the sign board of the Korean Grandma in the middle of the sign board, anyone will be able to tell that its here right away. 

If you go there at lunch time, there will be many people but maybe luckily you will be able to have a seat straight away, or even if you have to wait it will be 5 minutes or less. However, if you are going there for dinner, especially on a cold dinner like the other day, there are A LOT of people. 

< SO MANY PEOPLE !! (many tourist of course, but also loved by the local people too xxx)

I had to first go to the counter to receive a plastic number card and wait outside in the cold until my number is called out in this digital number calling out machine. I thought I will freeze in the negative 10 degrees, although I wasn't because of the amazing heat parachute outside. There were two in total, so all the people waiting would go there and gather below this parachute and stay warm. The funny thing was that it was actually warm. 

< the plastic number card  
                                          < the heat parachute 

After 15 minutes, we were called inside (really warm) !!!! There are both up and down stairs but we were guided upstairs to the Ondoru* seats and we first ordered the Darkhanmari (about one Darkhanmari is suited for 2 or 3 regular eating people) and we went to get the water/ cups, and Kimchi. The water and kimchi is normally free at any restraunt like this but it is quite painful to fudge over lots of people to refill the water and kimchi but it still tasted not too sweet nor sour but just right, so I refilled the kimchi plate many times. 
Ondoru*The seat where you take off your shoes and sit with your legs crossed or bet benign the table. The floor is warmed by the heater inside the floor thus its really warm !

< Our one and only love <3 , Kimchi (the kimchi in this picture is a young kimchi, not yet well pickled so its not that spicy but actually sweet. 

The Darkhanmari is mostly cooked already so a few minutes of extra heating up and its done ! When the lady or man at the restaurant will find that the Darkhanmari is ready to be eaten they will come to cut the Darkhanmari into pieces easy to be eaten by individual. (IF they don't notice, you can just call them and they pleasantly do it for you). 

< The menu is all in Korea (20,000won is the main Darkanmari, the rice cakes are 1,000 won, the Kuksu is 2,000 wonn etc. ) see the website or ask for more information. 

You can chose how to eat it, simply nothing, or in the "Korean style" I call it because they put extra red pepper and soysause, mustard, finger etc. to make their favourite thick taste cause and dip everything into that, or even put kimchi and the red pepper into the pot and make the whit pot into a red pot !

I have tried both and I personally am a spicy food lover, however I still felt that the normal soup and ways of eating is much better. But still, you could receive another plate so that you can try both, that smoother people do too. All up to you !

As I said in the description of Darkhanmari, it is just heavenly delicious. Not too salty but the nice rich taste and smell of the chiken and garlic, with the chewable pen shaped rice and the onion springs, and the potato. Just try one sip and anyone will fall in love...

The second way to enjoy this dish is ... "KUKSU": Korean noodles.  It is an additional order but mostly everyone orders this Kuksu noodles because you can taste the Darkhanmari in a different way. We do get quite full from just eating the soup and chicken so, I think 1 kuksu between 2 people is suitable.  However, you have to be careful before ordering about the amount you will eat because you cannot order more after this. (I think its because if you want more kuksu it will all melt and stick to the pot) So just be sure how much you can eat before ordering. 

< before boiling         
    < after cooked :9

I bet you're now dying to taste this tasty dish, just as much as I want right now 😊

For more information about the restaurant, please press HERE, it is linked to the official website in English, Korean, or Japanses so please help your self to take a look. 

Still really chilly, so be careful not to catch a cold xxx


ノム チュオ〜(ほんとに寒いよー)

昨日、今日 異常な寒さを見せた、韓国 ソウル!なんとなんと、昨日の温度はマイナス10度おとといまでは朝でマイナス3度、お昼で3度くらいだったのに、昨日は本当に一日中寒いのです!
そしてそして、今日は2月に入って初雪!すごい量の雪がソウルを振りました😊 寒いし、道が危ない…!
寒い日はというと… そう!タッカンマリ を食べよう‼️ということで、今回はタッカンマリについて書きたいと思います。

まず簡単にタッカンマリとは... 「鶏、一羽丸々鍋!」です。その名の通りなのですが、鶏一羽丸ごと入った大いお鍋の中にたっぷりのスープとネギ、ジャガイモなど。唯一と言っていいほど全く辛くない韓国料理。だからと言って、甘いわけではなく、鶏の出汁の効いたとーっても美味しい私の大好きな韓国鍋なのです。

地下鉄1・4号線トンデムン(東大門・ Dongdaemun)駅9番出口を出てから徒歩約5分ほどの場所に!!!

* 住所:ソウル市 鍾路区(チョンノグ) 鍾路5街(チョンノオーガ) 265-22電話番号:02-2275-9666


昼に行った時ももちろん満員ですが、今日は夜のディナータイムに行くと… 大行列!番号待ちでした。
寒いし、そんなに待ってられない!という方でも待ってられるんです‼️なぜかというと… 外にはパラシュート型ヒーターが2つも設備!その周りにみんな集まって待っていました。待つことおよそ15分くらい…(ちなみにお店に行ったのは7時くらい!)空いていた二階のオンドル席に案内されました。二階立てのこのお店は本当に人がいっぱいで‼︎ ぎゅうぎゅう詰めの中自分達のテーブルへ。




お醤油、お酢、辛子、赤い薬味も好みで付けてオッケー❗️現地韓国人はこ赤い薬味たっぷりで頂いてる方が多数。私も前回まではそうやって食べていたのですが、やっぱり素の味が一番美味しいと思いあえて何も付けずに食べました。試したい方は、是非取り皿を1枚は醤油と薬味でもう一枚は普通ので試してみるべきです😊 お鍋自体に薬味やキムチを入れてももちろん大丈夫ですが、これも個人的にせっかくの味が消えてキムチとかの味になってしまうので個人的におすすめしません。
タッカンマリの美味しさはちゃんと伝わりましたか?もう、とにかくこのタッカンマリが美味しいわけです‼️ というわけで寒かったらたっか!寒くなくていつでも美味しいタッカンマリ‼️是非ぜひ、東大門のチンハルメンさんに足をお運びください〜💕

ここをクリックしてください^ ^

ト モゴシポ〜(めっちゃ美味しい〜 また食べたい〜)



  1. Anonymous19/2/15

    Love it !! keep going <3

    1. Thanks Noor xxx Give me any requests if you have some :)


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