I scream for ice cream in Seoul !!! 大好きなアイスクリーム〜韓国編〜
Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは ! (Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)
One introduction of myself will be that I am passionate about food and especially I have no control over sweets ... Especially something like .... "Ice cream "! I guess many of you like ice cream too and since there are so many good ice creams in Seoul, I want to introduce you to some today.
1. Convenience store ice creams
: cheap(around 900won- 250won) common ice creams that any one can afford at any convenient store.(some also offer natuur, or haagen dazz ice cream too.
: cheap(around 900won- 250won) common ice creams that any one can afford at any convenient store.(some also offer natuur, or haagen dazz ice cream too.
Special events : 2 plus 1 event
It depends on the period, but if you buy 2 same tasted ice creams you may get another for free.
It depends on the period, but if you buy 2 same tasted ice creams you may get another for free.
2. Additionally, baskin robinsons and natuur are the common chain ice cream shops.
Basskin Robinsons has the takeout system in Korea. You can buy a big pack containing your favorite 6 types of ice cream which is about 1 regular cup size. I normally eat it when sleeping overs with friends or with a family.
3. These days, other ice creams such as yogurt ice cream, candy floss ice cream, macaron ice cream etc. are sold so you'll never get bored !
Hope you'll enjoy the Korean !? ice creams and maybe find a favorite one !!!
Cool Asia !
(日本語 Japanese ver.)
Hiya 안녕 您好こんにちは !
自分の自己紹介として1つ!お気付きの人もいるかもしれませんが、私は食べることが大好きです!特にその中でも甘いもの、特に… アイスクリームが大好きです!そんなことで今日はみなさんに韓国で買える美味しいアイスクリームの紹介をしたいとおもいます♪❤️
最近、普通のアイス以外にも、ダイエット中でも大丈夫‼︎ヘルシーヨーグルトや、綿菓子雷アイス、マカロンアイスなどなど 本当に沢山のアイスがあるから飽きることはありません!
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