Lijang - Beautiful cultural heritage of China “丽江”
Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは !
(Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)
💕😙Holiday Everyday 💖💭
5hours by plane from Shanghai, Lijiang is located in South West China close to Myanmar and Lassa, surrounded by mountains and fields. ミュンマーの国境にも近い中国南部の“丽江”に行ってきたのでちょこっと紹介。
Lijiang’s features: ❶1 mountain, ❷1 castle/town, ❸1 river, ❹2 cultures
“丽江”といえばこれ!❶山, ❷城町 ❸川❹文化
❶ [ NAME OF MOUNTAIN ] -『玉龍雪山風景名勝区』
To be honest, this mountain is quite a tough one.
Believe it or not Lijiang has the average sea level point of 2400m even in the city.
Holding a oxygen can in hand, we took the couch, then the lift, and climbed up to 4680m!
We all couldn’t help ourselves from feeling sick and dizzy above 4000m.
Up in the mountains, the fog struck our sight and the temperature was fluctuating from extremely low to quite warm.
Apart from the mountain sickness, you only climb the stairs not rocky real paths, so if you want to see a snowy mountain, you can visit here anytime of the year.
Achieving one of the highest tourism score “AAAAA (5 As)” spot in China, countless tourists visit here !!
Never forget the highest above sea level golf course you can enjoy here also.
❷ [ Old town of Lijiang ]-『丽江古城町』
- Great maintenance (rubbish collecting volunteers) ゴミが散らかっていないのも世界遺産登録、整備、ボランティアのおかげ。
- Traditional houses/hotels 伝統的なお家も全てホテル!
- Fancy shops/resturants おしゃれなお店やレストランで飽きません。
- Sleepless night vibe 夜の古城町は眠りません。どこのお店も歌やダンスで大盛り上がり!
❸ [ Tiger Leaping Gorge Yangtze River*(AKA Changjiang River) } *World’s #3 longest river -『虎跳峡!長江』
- My best spot of the trip!!! : Water stream is strong and fast ! 川の水の勢いには驚き!
- Mt. Fuji can fit in this huge gorge ! 逆さまにした富士山が入ってしまうほどの深い峡谷。
- If you don’t want to climb the steep stairs, the carriage can carry you!! 階段が苦手なら、お姫様気分でカゴのお運びも可能!
❹ [ Tea culture ]-『茶葉文化』
- Per Tea (the Yellow the better, Browner the worse!? From tree is more rich, whilst on field is less expensive)
- シルクロードならぬ、「茶馬古道」の長い歴史を持つ“丽江”。何と言ってもお茶の産地なので良質の茶葉が採れるそう。お利口な馬に乗って険しい森の中の「茶馬古道」を体験することもできます。
[ Tonba culture (minorities culture) ]-
- Cultural performance (up in the mountains 3100m! High) 民族劇は中国のどこに行ってもありますが、本物の山を舞台にした劇は少ないのでは?役者数は計500名、迫力はどこにも負けません。このような劇を「印象劇」というそう!もっと調べてみて見たいな。それから、補足で中国は地域によって発音がかなり異なるので、字幕や英語は絶対!なので、中国語ができなくても理解しやすいです!
- Traditional Letters (The origin of Current Chinese letters “PICTURE letters”) 私たちの使う漢字の元祖、象形文字のトンバ(东巴)文化。どこの看板にも象形文字が!
Rich in crop and tourism, the town welcomes many tourists in and out of China.
In a couple of years the highway express and train will be build (currently in progress), so the access will be even more convenient !!
If you want to explore the Naxi minority culture and experience the beautiful tradition and nature of China, Lijiang is defiantly the place to go! 中国の自然、少数派民族ナシ族や雲南文化に触れたい方は是非是非 “丽江”へ。
I have to say, Lijiang is one of my favorite places in China !!!
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