My first step into " North K " 〜 休戦を目の当たりに... 北朝鮮に踏み入った一歩 〜

Hiya 안녕 您好 こんにちは ! (Hiya Annyon Nihao Konnichiwa)

Last time, I just said that the warm wind has brought spring to Seoul, but today I found out that not everywhere in Korea is feeling the same warm spring ... 
In fact I'm actually not sure when they will ...

 Today's topic is about the Joint Security Area (JSA), Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) tour, that I went today. 

Since 1950, June 25th North and South Korea has declared a truce(stop fighting temporary) and therefore, as Germany had their wall Berlin wall, Korea has it's strict wall called the DMZ(JSA) which I will briefly explain further on. I participated in a bus tour that was organized by the International Cultural Service Club (ICSC), which I reserved online(130,000W/ person) 2 weeks ago. We all met at morning (8:30am) and the course was a whole day(back to Seoul at 5:30pm) course decided into the morning course, that goes throughDMZ, and the afternoon stepping into the JSA. 

  • Demilitarized Zone(DMZ)
The area was actually really close to Seoul (only about 1 hour) and when it stepped into the DMZ it was a country side like, rural area. The area was full with rice fields and I saw small villages. When crossing the Unification bridge(Donated by hyudau too cuz he is from North Korea), a soldier came in to check our passports and approved us to enter. Even though this area is quite dangerous, 200 people live in this area by growing and harvesting crops. The people living here have 2 benefits, 1. Don't have to pay any tax, 2.Receiving quite a lot of money because the government buys all the crops they make. They live here from their ancestors and thus they still live here and are protected by the army. By the way, DMZ brand rice are good quality and expensive !!!

  • Dora Observatory
Seeing the view of the DMZ, Gaesung city (one of the largest cites in North Korea), and also the propaganda city(Kijongdong) of North Korea.

  • Imjingak (freedom bridge)
It was used to exchange the profits after the Korean War.
  • The 3rd Tunnel
A depth of 73m and 1,635m long tunnel discovered in 1978, which was secretly made by the North Korean Army a surprise attack. They faked this tunnel by painting the walls black, faking it as a coal tunnel, however was proven false since the stratum shows no coal in the underground. Also, many marks for dynamite planning where marked towards south from north. The walls were low and quite tight fitting no more than 2 people side by side. 

  • Future Station: Dorasan Station 
It is the closest station to North Korea in the Kyeongui railroad line. It is also called the future station because if this station opens up to the north, it will only become 205m to Pyongyang(capital of North Korea), 56km to Seoul, and eventually it will then be connected to Russia, China, Europe, and it  to the whole world !!!


  • Joint Security Area (JSA)

The morning course was quite intense too, but not as much as in when entering the JSA (Joint Security Area) were the soldiers came in the tour bus and checked each ones passport face and number, and also the clothing in the JSA. For the clothing restriction, we could not wear short skirt or pants, military style clothes, shaggy jeans, flip-flops, or leather pants. Also, even though it is raining you will not be able to bring an umbrella inside the JSA because every belonging is seen as a weapon (no bags are allowed either). If you do are not approved, you will not be able to step in.

  • JSA and the MAC conference room. 

When I went into the JSA, not only seeing the different colored buildings (conference rooms) but also the North Korean military building right in front (30? meters away). There was the "border line" in the middle, but it was only 40cm long, 15cm depth which we could see closely when entering the conference room (blue) in the middle area. 

Important meeting are held in the MAC conference room, where both countries. enter from opposite sides(doors). Even, inside the room, the centre table had microphones on the middle border showing the line between North and South. Since people are found as refugees when passing this line, no one is permitted to step, even not one step in. However, inside the room, we actually were in North Korea !  It felt weird because it is on the same floor, and just one step you were in a different country which are still on war. Both North and South buildings are standing towards each, and the military were too. 
*We commonly see the military soldiers with sunglasses to prevent the enemy to see your emotion by eyes. 
The blue buildings are the UN buildings (South Korea) and the grey, silver, whitish buildings are North Korea's. The South Korean soldiers were standing in there positions, playing their roles, whilst not much North Korean soldiers were standing, except when a visitor came on the South Korean zone, and many North Korean soldiers came close to the separation line and were taking pictures of the visitors in the South zone. 

  • Bridge of no return
The exchanging point of the captives in history (not used now) but a memorable place. (Used in the movie 007. )

We were only permitted to take pictures in certain areas, however I think you will be able to image a little bit how tense the atmosphere was. It gave me a shock and realization of what is actually happening behind our world that I thought was quite peaceful (contradicting to Seoul !).Although it is mandatory in South Korea, for a man to go for military service for 21 months, and in North Korea, all women and men go to army for 7years(women) - 12 years(men); a story from North Korean refugee. I would recommend people to visit here, especially JSA since you could actually feel everything happening in front of you and feel the tense air !!

 I still cannot believe this has been continued for 65 years already and how long this has stayed as it is. The guide(Korean) told me how she never had felt peace knowing this fact that their country is still in WAR !! As the same human being, living in Seoul ! I just truly wish for a close for both countries to understand and cooperate to live happily together, which is easy to say but is a difficult issue that has not yet been solved...

What a day ! Still can't believe I'm back in real life ... 
I want to thank the peaceful environment that I was born and grew up. I wish for as many countries to respect each other, to keep as much peace as possible.

I wish more people to think and understand how important "peace" is...  

Cool Asia !

(日本語 Japanese ver.)

Hiya 안녕 您好こんにちは ! 


このDMZ, JSA の日本語/英語バスツアーは2週間前にInternational Cultural Service Club (ICSC) オンラインで予約(1人13万ウォン)しました。このパックは1日コースなので、午前中と午後の部に分けられていて、午前中は第三トンネルと近未来、北朝鮮へ続く都羅山駅、午後はJMZ国境、国連の部屋に入りました。このツアーでいつも必要なのがパスポート、そして規定の元の格好*と、かなり厳しい!

  • 非武装地帯


  • 都羅展望台


  • 都羅山駅
民統線の北方にある京義線の南側の最北端駅で、ソウルまで56kmピョンヤンまで205km!もしもピョンヤンまでつながれば、簡単に北朝鮮>ロシア>中国>ヨーロッパ ...と世界につながることも期待できる駅です。

  • 第三トンネル

  • 自由の橋

  • 板門店:共同警備区域(Joint Security Area: JSA)


  • 軍事停戦委員会本会議場


  • 帰らざるの橋:





